Spiritual philosophy on navigating spirituality in modern society, in human healing, individual energy health and self-possession, and personal power and life purpose.
Spiritual Resources
Guided by Truth
If people are guided by truth—what feels intutively true and natural within—not by the beliefs of what it means to be good or bad, right or wrong, the world would be a kinder place.
Living in the Spectrum of Light
As human beings, we exist somewhere in the spectrum of light and darkness. We don’t belong to either, and we are free to explore within the gradient.
The Illusion of Too Many Options
The illusion of having too many options only serves to inhibit our ability to actually make decisions and choose among the real set of options being presented to us in the present moment.
Expanding Sense of Self
Challenging experiences, as an ongoing life process, allows you to expand your sense of self.
Equinox: A Call For Balance
The war against the feminine is perhaps the single greatest influence on humanity’s well-being. Balance must be achieved between feminine yin and masculine yang energy, in being and in living.
Riding the Big Waves of Your Life
Riding the big waves of our lives takes preparation, cultivation, and self-mastery. We cannot attract the big waves without embodying its similar energies, and the abilities to masterfully ride them.
Off-the-Shelf or a Custom Life: Which Will You Choose?
It won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding because it’s yours.
Learn to embrace your inner void of darkness.
By opening and allowing ourselves to not know, we grow.
We belong in the world just by being present.
Why We Do the Inner Work
We exist to grow and to evolve.
Break Free from the Consumption - Comparison Trap
Be aware of mind garbage and be discerning about what you consume.
Grow Through Patience, Not Productivity
Busy-ness does not guarantee you growth.
Why Meditation is the Foundational Practice for Life
Meditation helps us reconnect with who we really are and what we really want.
What We Learn on a Higher Journey
A higher journey is the path one walks when they commit to their soul’s evolution.
Pledge Allegiance to Your Highest Self
We cannot continue to pledge allegiance to other people, to other institutions, to anything external, before we can first learn to pledge to ourselves.
How to Find an Effective Spiritual Coach
Discern who is healthy help.
The Commercialization of Spirituality
Be conscious of where your energy and resources are going.
Planet Earth Shows Us Our Collective Need to Heal
Healthy people want to live in healthy, natural environments.
What We Learn From Relationships
The relationships we have in our lives are energetic connections and opportunities for learning.
Like a Universal symphonic orchestra, every person participates with their own expression and dream, co-creating the collective dream of our reality.