How to Clean Your Energy Field
Energy is free flowing and abundant. The whole world and the whole Universe has all the energy it will ever need. Energy is all around us. And we contain energy within ourselves.
When it comes to personal energy, it’s not about quantity but more about the quality of energy. Energy holds various frequencies. If the energy within is of a higher frequency, then your mind and body is healthier and more harmoniously functioning. An individual will have greater ease in ‘embodying’ higher frequency experiences and feelings like joy and peace. If the energy within is of a lower frequency, then the long-term vitality and functioning of the mind and body is weaker and more susceptible to chronic health conditions, illness, colds, disrepair, and aging. An individual will have greater susceptibility to lower frequency experiences and feelings like fear and angst.
Energy frequency is constantly changing but in general it will have a base level depending on where one is in their process and/or life cycle.
Cleaning the energy inside of you, and actively managing its frequency is just another form of self-care and self-maintenance, like showering and removing physical waste.
The act of cleaning yourself of energetic waste, at the most basic level, involves discerning what sort of energy you choose to interact with and engage with (or give your attention to) on a daily basis, as well as processing and releasing old, buried emotional energy and airing out frenetic external energy in the mind.
Energetic Cleaning Practices:
Meditation: Spiritual, Emotional & Mental Cleaning
Meditation is a foundational practice for cleaning your energy. It helps create the container or space in which you are able to tune in to the energy within. The first barrier to clearly tuning into the energy within is the accumulated frenetic energy existing inside the mind, the programming controls of the ego, and the old emotional energy stored within the body. When one begins their meditation practice, they will be faced with contending with these energy barriers and layers of energy waste to release, first. In sitting with the energy quality, and letting things rise, you will slowly be able to begin the process of being present to what’s inside and undergoing the cleaning work to release old layers and energies that cloud and clog up your system and ability to see from different perspectives. Hopefully you will be able to naturally cultivate a stronger connection and dialogue with the internal soul and natural intelligence to guide your process of development. This will enable you to truly shift beliefs, values, behaviors, patterns, and programming for real in the long-term. Reconnecting soul with the mind will gain you greater control over what you manifest and create in the world.
Here is a simple, basic practice you can try to release some of the superficial, frenetic energy accumulated on a daily basis:
Lay on your back on a yoga mat on the ground. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax, and let your body soften and sink into the ground. Give yourself time and space to do this without any rush or expectations. Imagine yourself growing roots through the back of your body, reaching down deep into the Earth, rooting and reconnecting you with home. As you breathe in, imagine drawing up bright orange-red light particles from the soil of the Earth through your roots, rising up into the back of your body, working to restore and nurture your body and being with life-force nutrients. As you exhale, imagine releasing dark drips of water wringing out from the back of your body, and dark wisps of smoke releasing from your mouth into the air. Visualize dropping heavy weights from the back of your body, falling deep into the Earth, taking all that weighs you down and feels like a heavy burden. Breathe in nutrients and exhale tension and heaviness. All the stressors, the worries, the burdens, allow it to fall and drop away, as if the Earth is willing to take it all from you, if you allow it to and let it go. Know that you do not need to carry any of it. Ultimately, only you can decide for yourself if you want to or not. Feel the solid ground beneath you, how it rises up to support your body. It is constant and always present. Know that you can always return here whenever you need to feel unconditional support, love, and and nurturing. It is available to us all, and will take what we do not want to carry.
Physical Cleaning
Removing physical waste from your body every day regularly. bathroom, oral hygiene, tongue scraping, oil pulling, showering and bathing, etc.
Maintaining a clean and clutter-free home, filled with natural sunlight and fresh air. Regularly sweep the floors, remove physical waste and clutter.
Minimize physical stuff and get rid of things that don’t serve you. Stop buying things you don’t need.
Fill your home with plants and surround it with nature and trees. Plant a garden, plant flowers. Create a natural safe space for animals, birds and butterflies to enjoy, and for you to enjoy their energy.
Energy Cleaning Tools
Tools like sage/incense, tingsha bell and water can help clear and cleanse the energy from the day. Sage helps purify, tingsha bell helps reset and clear, and water can cleanse.
Himalayan Salt Lamp: help neutralize lower frequencies of energy
Tingsha Bell: 3xs in each corner of the room (clockwise): resets and clears the energy. I usually say a little prayer while doing this and set an intention for the space.
Sage/Incense: purifies the energy of the space. Sweep across the room clockwise, giving special attention to corners and dark spaces. Run through the space until the smoke runs clear. If the smoke is dark, keep cleaning.
Copal: for deep energy cleaning. I do this 1x / month.
Water & Sea Salt: can also put jars of water and sea salt in each corner of the room to cleanse the energy.
Palo Santo: to bless the space.
Black Tourmaline: wearing black tourmaline can help absorb and protect from any negative energy. It’s like training wheels while you learn how to manage your energy frequency.
Being mindful of what you give your energy to can help you decide your frequency. Giving your time and energy to negative pursuits like gossip, revenge, pettiness, passive-aggressiveness, or any self-destructive habits all have a profound impact on the quality of your energy. What you do, what you say, and what you think influences the basis of your energy frequency.