Universal Energy & How to Access It
Universal energy has many names: Universal Life Force Energy, Chi/Qi (China), Prana (India), Pneuma (Greece), Ruach (Hebrew), Spirit/Spiritus (Latin), Consciousness (Buddhism), Mana (Hawaiian). But they are just names for the same thing. It refers to the energy that powers life and the natural universe. It is a ‘network of energy’ that runs through everything: the fabric of the Universe, the stars, planets, humans, animals, ocean, plant life and mineral kingdoms, etc. The energy that occupies and runs through our bodies is the same energy as the energy in all living things, operating at different frequencies. By simply existing, we are connected to a Universal energy network. Humans have the potential ability to perceive this Universal energy—the ‘higher intelligence’ that guides the creation and operations of the Universe—to evolve into more powerful and aligned creation beings.
When we say that one is ‘in the flow’ of the universe, or has ‘higher levels of consciousness’, or is ‘attuned to a higher energy frequency’, or even ‘is undergoing a ‘spiritual awakening’…it means that the person is aware of and tapping into that Universal energy. They are learning how to feel it, access it, connect with it, move it around, use it to heal themselves, and use it to create and manifest in their life.
Why are most people not aware of Universal Energy?
Our primitive origins has only recently gained our species consciousness and the awareness of free will. Evolutionary speaking, our programming is closer to a ‘survival-based operating system.’ With command via a strong, primitive, infant ego that runs the programming essentially on auto-pilot. This template has been passed down through the generations, and is actively taught to children as they grow up. Only a few advanced souls, or energy frequencies, that reincarnate into human form are capable of perceiving and connecting with Universal energy, with various levels of ability to wield and harness it.
What contributes to closing off to feeling Universal Energy?
- Disconnection to Soul is the most important reason: not having an internal energetic soul connection, clear and open channel for dialogue and intelligence, not trusting and following your intuition, violating your true desires and needs.
- Too much energetic waste inside the body, clouding the individual’s ability to listen, connect, perceive, and see clearly. The accumilation of old emotional signals, external energy noise, energy waste piling up in an internal landfll.
- Over-active control of the ego maintaining the individual on a set operating system and programming that is hard to break.
What are the symptoms of being closed off to Universal energy?
- Constrained breathing: ‘energetic congestion’; energetic blockages have turned into physical blockages in the nasal passages, airways and lungs, etc.
- Blocked, weak, under or over-active chakras or energy centers within your body. Qi or energy is stagnate, blocked, not able to flow freely.
- Physical health symptoms of chronic pain, inflammation, disease, illness, colds, accelerated aging, chronic health conditions, etc.
- Mental health symptoms of chronic anxiety, stress, worry, fear, perfectionism, depression, OCD, PTSD, bipolar, etc.
How do we access Universal Energy?
Short-term: triggering openings and blockages.
- Reiki
- Kundalini Activation Process
- IET (Integrated Energy Healing)
- Plant Medicines
Long-term: individual deep healing process, rest, relaxation, introspection, ‘wintering’, cleaning and releasing, waste management, nourishment, soul cultivation work.
- Deep sleeping, rest, relaxation
- Meditation
- Voice Activation, Singing
- Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Dance, Body Movement
- Creative expression
What does it feel like?
You can start by trying to feel the energy between your hands when you put your palms close together but not touching. Perhaps you feel a tingling sensation, or a pulsing, or an electrical current running between the space of your hands. This is Universal Energy. When I meditate I feel a chill when I am connected to energy or ‘plug in’, and then if I am receiving energy I feel a wave of energy pulsing or coursing through my body, at various frequencies. If I connect with the energy of the earth, I feel a deep suction cup that roots me into the ground. These feelings are cultivated and activated over a contunuous process as one begins to open up and connect with energy. How one ‘feels it’ will be different for every individual.
What can you do with Universal Energy?
When you can access Universal Energy, you can use it to heal yourself of pain and inflammation in your body, clear stagnant or stuck energy that causes some dull, ache-y sensations, and channel more energy into your body. You can use it to potentially connect with your soul or higher self, and possibly the Universal energy network. You can channel higher intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, ‘knowings’ about things. You can learn how to harness it to manifest desired resources and experiences in your life. Things, people, resources, situations will naturally come to you, will attract to you, will help guide you when you need them.
May the force be with you!