What is Energy Channeling

Energy is what we are made of. Energy is what nature is made of. Energy is what the planet and the stars and the Universe are all made of. And the energy is the same, just operating at different frequencies. Energy occupies our form and we call it spirit or soul or prana or chi or life force or God. Whatever you call it, our bodies are filled with energy and that energy is connected to all of the energy that exists in the world and the Universe. We are literally all connected via a Universal energy network.

The energy of the Universe is limitless, infinite, and always in motion. There is never an energy crisis in the Universe. There is more energy than what we will ever need. And energy never dies. It is always undergoing a constant cycle of death, creation and re-birth. Energy simply is recycled and manifested into forms that go through their natural life cycles. Energy goes to where energy attracts, and energy attracts like energy.

The ability to channel this energy is accessed when an individual has achieved higher levels of Universal consciousness and connection, and has transformed themselves to clear channels and solar bodies. This is cultivated through a series of progressive energetic upgrades. It begins with the cleaning and purging of the energetic frequency of lower vibrations, done through successive cycles of deep emotional excavation, processing and releasing. Supported by the process of accessing and channeling higher frequencies of energy through meditation, learning lessons, growing one’s spiritual maturity, making evolved decisions, embodying new skills and energies, and purifying one’s intent. It requires the individual to be deeply grounded, at peace, steady and consistent. It also requires them to be a master of their higher selves, emotions, mind and body, and balance all things in life. It is no easy feat and requires one to continuously adapt and balance many things in effortless ease.

As the individual works on upgrading, the body will undergo the corresponding processes of physical purging, regeneration and transformation to be able to ‘hold’ or contain higher frequencies of energy. Essentially bringing everything into alignment so that mind, body, soul and energy within is all operating together at the higher frequency of being. This process of energetic upgrades is done again and again and again, as the individual progresses in their spiritual growth process. When I go through these cycles, I must recognize the window of opportunity and do what is being asked of me.

As an individual achieves a clearer and clearer channel (their body and energetic being), they are more able to channel higher frequencies of energy. It’s like heightening the sensitivity and receptiveness of a built-in antennae. Channeling energy is the ability to instantly feel, attract, download/receive, move and harness energy waves and information. Channeling energy allows an individual to raise their energetic frequency so that their body and being is healthier and stronger, receive more energy and power to work with, and receive more information and abilities. They also can use the energy to heal, manifest and create. And they will feel more connected and in-tune with the Universe and energy network.

The amount of energy one can channel and hold corresponds to how well one can ground and seed the energy in the Earth. This is done through meditation and presence. Because channeling energy is not just for you, it’s ultimately to raise the energetic vibration of the planet. It is only possible if you are a master at rooting with the Earth, and if you do the consistent work of transmutation, processing and cleaning. This work is typically done by those who have a soul contract as lightworkers.

Any person has the ability to feel energy. Try putting your hands together. Perhaps it’s felt as a tingle in the fingertips or a warming sensation or a ball of energy in the palms of the hands. From there, you can try other exercises. If I raise my hands I feel the energy all around and receive energy through the air. If I touch a living being, I can feel its energy frequency. I feel and notice the differences in energy frequency between a rock or a tree or a cat or a flower. When I meditate I can move energy from or down into the earth, allowing it to move into or out of my energy field. Or can move higher energy from the Universe down into my body. I can marry the ‘heaven’ or ‘earth’ energy, move energy around/ through/in and out of my body. In the body, different frequencies of energy will feel and move differently—in pacing, intensity, and frequency. Channeling energy is a feeling practice, not a thinking one, just like meditation. Both are deeply feminine practices that require you to feel to connect with the energy—energy is feminine: flowing, expansive, limitless and undefinable.

Channeling energy is simply being in tune to the various energy frequencies of the Universe, and opening to the abundance of energy all around. Knowing how to harness and work with it allows you to upgrade your body, being and knowing.

To harness the unlimited energy of the Universe in the name of love and light, is the highest potential and calling of any human being. The willingness to explore the Universe within unlocks superpowers to harness the unlimited energy of the Universe. Spiritual growth allows an individual the opportunity to tap into Universal energy and internal power. The higher energy of the Universe is a resource available to all beings in the world who can operate at a higher frequency of love and light. It is a gift to be used responsibly and for the benefit and betterment of the planet.


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