Self-Care Guide in a Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Awakening process is all about energy. The whole human system goes through an intense energetic upgrade and transformation. The soul is emerging and expanding, reintegrating with the whole human system, and in turn the whole system undergoes its rebuilding and reallignment. The body purges itself of the accumulation of old energy, and continuously rebuilds itself to attune to the higher frequency of energy the energy field is able to more fully hold. Essentially it is waste management, and designing stronger energy containers.

This tranformation requires an enormous amount of high quality energy as the body is essentially rewiring and rebuilding itself completely. It’s constantly going through phases of death and re-birth, or regeneration, at an accelerated rate. Which will also lead to oftentimes intense, dramatic changes in the mind and body, most of it will not make sense because the changes are happening quicker than one is able to comprehend. As the whole system is requiring more, and higher quality energy, the individual will need to support the process and help deliver upon those needs. Below is a recommended self-care guide, drawn from my learnings in the spiritual awakening process. There are practical physical energy practices, and then there are also mental practices. Mindset and attitude is just as important. It’s important to remain patient, gentle and kind with the self during this process. Treat the self as if it was a newborn baby. No rushing, no forcing. Be gentle, slow, patient. Don’t be hard, critical, or judgemental. Let go of all expectations.

Energy / Food

An important question, what are you eating?

This intense energy work will use up a lot of energy and one might even notice that that they begin to lose weight, especially during the purging and shedding cycles. It is important to make sure that one feeds their body more regularly and consistently, which might mean more frequent meals and even adapt to eating when one feels naturally hungry. Before the process I used to forgo breakfast and only eat a late lunch and a big dinner. During the process it evolved into eating an early light breakfast, a second breakfast, a large lunch, an afternoon snack, and a small dinner. I found myself eating every two to three hours. Then, there were phases when my body was purging and it wanted less food, or different types of food. Overall, it is best to listen to what the body wants and needs. Only eating when one is hungry is a good basic cue for when the body needs more energy. Also listen to what the body wants to eat and give it to the body. At different times it might need different ingredients. So a very homogenous diet will not support the body’s efforts. Let go of strict diet patterns, trends, and beliefs about what is the right or wrong thing to eat. The body will know what it needs and will signal via a natural desire.

The second consideration is the quality of energy one is consuming, or the quality of food one is feeding to the body. Higher quality and higher nutrient and energy foods will provide higher frequency energy to power the system. Lower quality foods will provide the body with less energy and ingredients to build. It actually will just clog up the system with more junk that the body has been working hard to remove, which will end up being a very inefficient and draining usage of energy. An easy indicator of higher quality foods is in its package. First, if it is processed food that comes in a package made of cardboard, metal, plastic etc., that is lower or NO quality food. Second, if it is a product grown from nature, then that is of a higher quality than processed, but does not guarantee ‘high quality’ or ‘high energy.’ Third, the quality of a natural product is in its purity. Is it free of synthetic hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, pesticides, etc? And has it been grown in nutrient-rich soil? All of those things used to ‘grow' or eradicate disease because the product is inherently weak and low energy, is seeped into the fibers of the food product. Whatever that has been injected, sprayed, etc, you eat. Fourth, look at its color, vibrancy, and overall markers of strength and health. Does it look dull, lackluster, artificial, or lacking in a fragrant smell or life? Or does it look colorful, vibrant, healthy, natural, unique, with a fragrant or clean smell. Think of your diet like eating the rainbow. The basic colors of red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, all hold specific energy frequencies. With purple being the highest frequency. However you can’t just eat purple foods for the rest of your life, the body needs diversity in nutrients. Beware of the food colored produce found at supermarkets—they may look vibrant in color but they’re all dyed to look that way. They may either feel way too hard, or mushy. Best to stick with getting fruits and vegetables from local, organic farms and markets for maximum nutrients and energy inputs.

Here are some examples of high quality foods:

  • Local, organic fruits and vegetables with vibrant colors

  • Seeds (chia, flax, sesame, pumpkin) (e.g. chia seeds are calorie packed, especially if you make chia seed pudding with 100% pure coconut milk and honey)

  • Nuts (almonds, walnut, brazil)

  • Whole grains (100% pure whole grain sourdough bread)

  • Rice

  • Legumes (beans are great calorie sources)

  • High quality, local organic proteins/meats (beef, chicken, fish, eggs) will minimize the amount of toxic antibiotics, growth hormones and stress hormones your body will have to process.

  • Healthy fats and oils: omega-3 (algae-based), avocados, extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, 100% pure coconut milk, peanut/almond butter)

  • Minerals: seaweeds

  • Bacteria/Probiotics: coconut yogurt, miso

Also really important to stay super hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.

  • 100% pure cold pressed juices (only drink when you’re not experiencing vomiting and stomach conditions — raw produce is harder on the digestive system)

  • Water, 100% pure coconut water (for electrolytes)


Second question, are you getting enough sleep and rest?

The work doesn’t stop during the day, it continues into the evening or whenever you are sleeping in a ‘power down’ mode. Sleep is critical to ensure everything gets processed and stored correctly, and your body can do the healing and regeneration work while you’re not expending energy while awake. You might find that you require more sleep than usual. At times there were periods where I needed 9-12hrs of sleep a night. You might also find that all of sudden you require naps. I found myself for a period of time drifting off mid-day around noon and taking 2-hour naps. You might also find that your sleeping patterns go through periods of irregularity and regularity. You might find yourself waking up several times a night. And you will likely find yourself having vivid dreams. In my case I had vivid dreams and remembered them every night for almost a year. You might learn a lot in those dreams too. In addition to sleep, it’s important to take time to rest when you need it, do nothing or relax even during the day. Go easy on yourself and treat yourself with the utmost care.

Slow Down

Which brings me to slowing down. You will be required to slow the eff down to learn patience and pacing. It will require you to stop constantly doing so that you can create plenty of space and time to rest, process and integrate. You’ll need this as a lot of stuff will surface, and you will learn how to tune in and harness your intuitive and psychic powers. If you are moving fast, you’ll miss a lot. If you move slowly you will see a lot.


There will be periods of time that will require you to be in solitude whether you like it or not, especially during the integration phases. Your need for solitude is imperative for processing all of the crazy stuff that’s happening and for reprogramming. All of this work that you’re doing is for you. You cannot do this for you when you are distracted by other people and things going on. It doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself in the house and never leave, but you will find that your need for solitude is not only necessary but perhaps preferred. And sometimes you will be by yourself for days or weeks depending on what is necessary. During integration you are essentially in the ‘cocoon’ phases of a butterfly journey. This is when the caterpillar goes into a sack and turns into goo. So you might not feel 100% yourself during your goo phase.

Get Physical

You will naturally be called to start living a more active lifestyle and exercising your body. I didn’t even think about it I just started doing it and one day I noticed my body was much stronger. You will find yourself, your inner power, strengthening through the awakening process and your body will follow suit as a physical manifestation. Everyone’s body will look different according to their life purpose. In nature, every creature looks the way they look to suit their purpose and needs. For me, I liken my body to bamboo. Incredibly strong, resilient, quick to regenerate/grow, incredibly flexible and adaptable with conditions…skinny and limb-y, just like me. A symbol of strength, flexibility and growth. So it’s not about what you would like your body to look like, it’s about accepting and embracing the body that you were gifted with and allowing it to grow more fully into what it already is.

To sum it up, just take really really good care of yourself. As if you are a baby. It’s important to remember that you are in the most unique and precious growing period, unlike anything most people have ever experienced. They will never know so it’s up to you to care for yourself and set boundaries accordingly. Learning to know how to uniquely care for yourself and your needs is all a supporting part of the spiritual awakening process.


Spiritual Awakening Journey: Pt. XII - Unraveling


What Does a Real Spiritual Awakening Feel Like?