The 12 Natural Laws of the Universe

Understanding the laws of the universe will help you understand the natural way of living, as all of life are bound by these laws. Embracing the ways of life will allow you to more easily be and do in the world, and live a sustainable, healthy and abundant reality. These laws are also fundamental in the art of manifestation and creation.

  1. Law of Divine Oneness

    This law is fundamental in understanding and framing how you see and act in the world. The law of divine oneness is the basic principle that all energy in the world is connected as one. It is the same energy source that flows through and powers you, all humans, animals, plant life, the natural world, the stars etc. Think about how you can connect more with the natural world and feel the love for it and the beauty it shares with you.

  2. Law of Vibration

    The Law of Vibration is the principle that all energy ‘vibrates’ or moves at a certain frequency. Energy can attune to other frequencies and energy with ‘like’ frequencies will stay together. There is a scale in human frequency and you can learn more here. Think about the quality of your energy and the frequency you feel that you are vibrating at and how it relates to the quality of your life.

  3. Law of Correspondence

    The law of correspondence is the principle that the universe operates in patterns and sequences. From large scale spiral galaxies to the Fibonacci sequence found in plant and animal life, it is the template in which life is created and maintained. The patterns we create and maintain in the smallest of details and the everyday affects the large scale outcomes. This same law can be applied to our everyday patterns, behaviors and actions. As a society we operate off the same template to domesticate and raise children and adults. Think about the patterns you are maintaining in your life. If you want to create any change or manifest certain desires, it starts with examining the patterns and sequences you maintain.

  4. Law of Attraction

    The law of attraction is the principle that like attracts like. What you attract in your life and what you see externally is a mirror of what is inside. Your energetic vibration will attract what is similar to your frequency. This can include people, situations, circumstances, etc. In manifestation, the idea is to heal and raise your energy frequency and utilize the power of positive thinking. You can attract only what you already believe you have. Think about what you want to attract and believe in the power of your will and word.

  5. Law of Inspired Action

    The law of inspired action is the principle that all outcomes require action. And if you want to create new or ambitious outcomes for yourself, you must take inspired action to make steps towards achieving your goals. Inspired action is the act of making decisions inspired by your intuition, and using movement and energy that is productive and intentional in the pursuit of your dreams. Think about what immediate steps you can take now, in the present moment, that feels good and aligned with what you desire.

  6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

    The law of perpetual transmutation of energy is the principle that all energy is always being recycled. Energy never ‘dies’, it simply turns into something else. It is in constant movement and always changing. As we are energy, the same principle applies to us. This means that we have the potential to ‘transmute’ our energy, situations, everything. Because nothing ever dies and nothing is either good or bad, it just exists. Think about how you can reframe situations or things that are perceived as ‘bad’ or ‘negative’ and can you ‘transmute’ them to something ‘positive’?

  7. Law of Cause and Effect

    The law of cause and effect is the principle that every action has a reaction. What you do, what you say, what you put out in the world will create an effect, whether you are aware of it or not. Because all energy is connected. Think about how you can accept more responsibility for your actions and consider how they may affect others.

  8. Law of Compensation

    The law of compensation is the principle that you will receive what you put out. “You reap what you sow.” This is similar to the law of cause and effect. Think about it in terms of the energy you put out, you will receive the same energy back.

  9. Law of Relativity

    The law of relativity is the principle that nothing in life is good or bad, it just is. It’s all in how we perceive things relative to another. How we frame, contrast, compare to something else which allows us to perceive if something is ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ This is a survival technique. It is simply a pattern or template which becomes less necessary as you move away from the evolution of mammals. Think about how you have the ability to reframe things to gain a different perspective.

  10. Law of Polarity

    The law of polarity is the principle that all of life holds dual energies. This is tied to the law of cause and effect. Duality is a basic principle in life and is something to embrace and balance. Examples of dual energies include: light and dark, feminine and masculine, yin and yang, birth and death, creation and destruction, inhaling and exhaling. Think about how you can accept both sides of the same coin and create more balance in your life.

  11. Law of Perpetual Motion

    The law of perpetual motion is the principle that everything in life and all energy is constantly in movement. As energy is always vibrating, moving and being recycled, nothing in life stays the same. And this applies to humans as well. Think about how you can embrace the natural changes that want to move through you.

  12. Law of Giving and Receiving

    The law of giving and receiving is the principle that all of life is built on the dual energies of the feminine and masculine. Life requires the balance of both to sustain and thrive. The energy of the masculine is using, destruction, action. The energy of the feminine is giving, nurturing, birthing, the inspiration before the action. Balancing both gives way to ‘inspired action.’ Think about how you can balance both energies within you.


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