Why Meditation is the Foundational Practice for Life

There are many reasons why we meditate or why we go on a higher journey, but ultimately it is to re-claim our soul. To reconnect with who we really are and what we really want.

We connect with ourselves to know ourselves deeply. When we know ourselves, we understand the world and our place within it. Everything becomes a whole lot easier and life becomes a whole lot brighter.

Meditation is the process of re-claiming our personal power and truth to re-discover our voice, our purpose, our whole self. When we harness this, we begin to understand that everything in life is truly possible.

Meditation is the foundational practice for living life. It allows us to connect with our soul’s intelligence in order to navigate the experiences, lessons and goals of our lives so we can grow, evolve and self-actualize. Without meditation, we have no way of connecting with and listening to the highest intelligence of our soul, and will auto-operate blindly off ego and programming that keeps one stuck in their karmic cycle. The practice of meditation connects us to the highest truths, needs and wishes of our soul so we may understand how to shape our life around them. Our truth is what grounds our endeavors in life, be it life goals, health, purpose, career, business, relationships and love. Our souls want to live natural lives, grow and evolve, and they want to self-actualize in the physical world for our highest benefit and the highest benefit of humankind.

Meditation is simply a tool, a practice, for navigating our life’s journey. It is the art of getting to know yourself in a deeply intimate way. If you are deeply connected with yourself and Universal energy, you will know where you are and what you need to do. And you will understand all the ways you are being guided and what you are being guided towards.

In meditation, you discover all sorts of things about your highest self: your truths, your needs, your wishes, your dreams, your higher purpose in life, but you also discover truths about love, relationships, living, nature, the Universe. Meditation allows you to “plug-in” to the intelligence of the Universe by going deep into the Universe within. And in that void, you discover uncharted territories of your soul, learning truths that you never knew, desires you never realized, and dreams you never thought of. Meditation is a magical process and journey of discovery, and it helps you navigate the constantly changing nature of life.

When we meditate we are reclaiming space and time for ourselves. It is an act of prioritizing ourselves, listening to our highest self, and giving it what it needs. In a way, meditation can be seen as a revolutionary act of independence and self-care— for free—in a world that values consumerism, dependence, and exploitation.

So I encourage you to begin meditating. Take back that time, space and energy for yourself. Prioritize your health and well-being. Fill your cup first before you pour for others. And remember, that meditation and life is an ever-evolving journey we are privileged to experience. Life wants us to grow, evolve and expand.

We Meditate for Self Discovery, Understanding, and Self-Actualization

  • To connect with our true self, inner voice, wisdom and truths.

  • To know how to heal yourself and improve your well-being.

  • To understand what holds us back, what limits us, what we’re afraid of.

  • To learn how to challenge and conquer our fears.

  • To understand what we truly need to thrive.

  • To understand our true power and what we are capable of.

  • To understand what we truly love and what brings us joy.

  • To understand our place in the world and our purpose and abilities.

  • To understand how we can love ourselves better, how to nourish and care for ourselves.

  • To understand what we truly want.

  • To understand how to be at peace and content in the world.

  • To understand that we are not alone. We are all connected. We are loved, supported, nourished and guided unconditionally.

  • To understand that we all just need more space, personal time, rest, patience and joy.

  • To understand how to flow with the world, to work with it, not against it.

  • To understand how to be in service to the world.

  • To understand how to live life with purpose, meaning and joy…in a way that is entirely unique to you.


Grow Through Patience, Not Productivity


What We Learn on a Higher Journey