Living in the Spectrum of Light
As human beings, we exist somewhere in the spectrum of light and dark. We don’t belong to either, but to both, and we are free to explore within the gradient. In exploring the shades of the spectrum, we become richer, more complex and nuanced, more developed. As we color and free our lens, we can hold a greater understanding of the fuller picture and realize the larger potential of our being.
The experiences we create or attract are what enables us to continue to explore the shades of life. Moments are colored by both light and dark. To experience both is to understand its opposite, and to develop a fuller understanding of the other. In doing so, it allows us to evolve into a more conscious, present, feeling, connected and capable human being.
Humanity tends to cling to what we perceive as the light or assign value to things as ‘good’ or ‘positive.’ But to deny the dark is to live an illusion and remain static in one place. Sometimes we wonder, what is the point of pain? Why am I being punished? Or why even bother dealing with the shadows and pain stored within? Pain is a natural part of the process of growth and evolution. It can break us apart, and burn our lives and foundations to the ground. There are moments in life where we will go through several phases of death, if we allow it. But through the darkness, eventually emerges the light and then we can rebuild. And in the constant cycles of renewal, we can emerge stronger, more conscious, and more powerful.
Perhaps the point of painful experiences is to help us renew and recreate. It challenges and hopefully strengthens our ability to hold the light instead of diminishing it. The fear of pain can encourage a person to retreat into the darkness. But hope born out of pain can encourage a person to move closer to the light, even when it is not visible in the moment.
If we are living, we are always moving across the spectrum, hopefully with the intent of balancing both. Embracing the wildness of life can enable us to become more powerful, more alive, and more connected with feeling, meaning, passion, love and purpose.