When You Feel Different
For those who find themselves undergoing an energetic spiritual awakening, or wrestling with being different than everyone else, or feeling like you don’t belong…know that you are not wrong. Instead, your strangeness, your uniqueness, your differences, your unique abilities and expressions are gifts to cultivate and nourish within to inspire the world for the better.
In a society that demands sameness and conformity in every way, it will try to reprimand those who choose to ‘be different’ and follow their own path. Everyone is expected to look the same, behave the same, believe the same, think the same, and follow the same standards and goals. For some, this will be what they are here to support and reinforce. For others, it will be what they are here to break free from and redefine, first for themselves. The rules of society are constantly evolving and can be re-written for the better. Some rules may stay, and some may go. The rules follow the evolution of humanity.
For those that are called to break way and ‘walk the path alone’, it can feel incredibly lonely, isolating, and scary. On a day-to-day cellular level, we are not designed to break away or ‘go do our own thing.’ Cellularly, we are designed to organize ourselves within the context of others. We are designed to play our role, based on the needs around us. And this same form of collective organizing and functioning is extended to human self-understanding. We tend to ‘see’ ourselves through the cues of others. But what happens when you inevitably define yourself according to the eyes of others and the context of your environment, but you know deep down that none of it feels good or true inside? This can be seen an act of rebellion, or even disorganization or dysfunction. We believe that we are the outlier of the collective, and therefor we are the source of dysfunction. But what happens if the collective is already in a state of disorganization and dysfunction? Then what?
Rebellion within a healthy and functioning collective is less likely. Rebellion within an unhealthy and dysfunctional collective is more likely. Rebellion with the intent of self-destruction is cancer. Rebellion with the intent of healing is transformation. Thoughout times of evolution, both forces are at work. And in enhanced times of great dysfunction, it also creates opportunities (and variances) for great transformation. I believe we are in that period now.
If you are are reading this post and can relate, then I hope my words can help at least provide some form of encouragement. Because I know how hard it is. Those who feel so different, perhaps like you come from another space and time, it can feel so painful to feel that you do not belong. Or to look around and not understand the chaos and dysfunction of this world. But with one cell, can create a Universe of cells, and a whole new being.
It all starts with the single ‘you’ and what you choose to do with your willpower. What I’ve learned is that for those who are called to ‘walk the path alone’, is really a call to take space from the status quo to heal and gain new perspectives and higher intelligence. To return to who and what you are. Perhaps even doing the rigiorous work to redefine your whole human system, your awareness, your consciousness, your perspectives, your beliefs, your thoughts, your behaviors and your programming. In order to listen to and understand your whole human self, to get yourself re-organized and in healthy functioning, so that you can better align yourself with your natural expression and purpose in the world.
Learn to embrace and accept your uniqueness, and perhaps this period of ‘aloneness.’ You must be willing to walk your path independently no matter what, because it is your life to live and your life to create. You may not necessarily be rewarded for doing so along the way, so let go of the need to be fueled by external validation. It will not be sustainable and it will hold you back from cultivating true belief in your self and your path. That is a far more sustainable fuel. Listen to what you feel (not think) you are supposed to be doing, and just do it. Keep doing it no matter what people say, or the opportunities you do or don’t get. Trust in the emotional truth and power of your feelings, and learn to harness its energy into action.