The Energy Hierarchy of Life Forms
All of life and energy is organized in a hierarchy according to levels of pure consciousness.
Life operates from the top down as it is the highest forms of pure light and energy that create and manage the universe.
In various creation stories across ancient cultures of the world, it is said that humankind was created to honor the divine kingdom, deities and gods. They created humankind in their image and dispersed the energy of the universal source within the bodies and forms of living life. Ensuring a self sustaining cycle of life on Earth. Humans were gifted the ability to manifest and create in the material realm, just as the divine has the ability to create life in the higher realms. Which enables and trains light souls to evolve into divine beings.
Life and the universe is infinite. There is no such thing as fixed linear time, although humans out of necessity created this to make sense of life and to be able to put things into perspective via contrast and concepts of past, present and future. It is said that ‘time’ is cyclical, just like the orbits of the planets, sun and moon. Life is always evolving towards greater perfection and higher levels of consciousness.
There are 12 stages or levels of unfolding consciousness. They call it stages as it is believed that a soul or light being moves through these 12 stages with the goal of achieving higher levels of consciousness. Though it requires many lifetimes within each level or stage to “graduate” to the next.
Highest expression of divine consciousness:
Unnamed Sacred 12th Kingdom - pure divine consciousness
Unnamed Sacred 11th Kingdom - creative consciousness, direct and co-create the process of life
Archangel Kingdom - leaders of angels, they guide the evolution of souls
Angelic Kingdom - have mastered the ability to fully express their divine self awareness and abilities; support the guiding of souls
Awakening of divine consciousness:
Human Kingdom - training ground for souls to ascend to the divine through the awakening and expression of divine consciousness; self awareness and control of the mind, self conscious combined with free will and greater creative expression. Individual expression, connected to the collective. There are seven basic levels of consciousness. Expression to contribution are linked with cosmic divine awareness.
Within humankind, there are 10 levels of consciousness (highest to lowest) Ascended Masters include Buddha and Saints.
Celestial spiritual teacher
Mystic - person who achieves mystical experience or an apprehension of divine mysteries
Buddha - human who has achieved enlightenment and attained Bodhi or wisdom, an ideal state of intellectual and ethical perfection
Avatar - divine being sent to Earth to reincarnate as a human to help other humans, a light being that has been freed of illusion
Saint - master, role model and teacher of divine gifts and connection
Adept - shaman, skilled in exercising divine gifts but not a master
Disciple - apprentice, putting awareness and gifts into practice
Initiate - has reached the 1st step of enlightenment; consciousness and gifts have awakened
Neophyte - student ready to undergo trials of initiations and tests
Chela - entry level student ready and willing to undergo the process of awakening
Expression of consciousness through form:
Animal Kingdom - sense of conscious awareness through form, group consciousness, instinctually driven
Fish Kingdom - primitive mental body, group consciousness
Unnamed Nonphysical Kingdom - plants that can control its movements through a primitive nervous system (e.g. Venus fly trap)
Plant Kingdom - basic consciousness
Awakening of consciousness:
Elemental Kingdom - elemental energy that moves though the elements of earth, fire, air, water
Mineral Kingdom - mineral structures send light to the earth; as minerals evolve they move closer to the core of the earth
Structure Kingdom - primitive etheric forms, conduits for light
Humans are the bridge between higher consciousness and lower self-consciousness. With each lifetime, humans learn to evolve from the basic animalistic desires and needs of survival, learned in previous life stages. Spiritual awakenings are the trigger for the evolution and unfolding of divine consciousness within. Moving away from the day-to-day concerns of the material realm and towards a higher level of consciousness of being and seeing in the world. It is every human being’s goal to evolve into the divine stage. Everyone is at different stages within their process. The challenges and karma you were born into in this lifetime is meant to unlock a higher process of ‘leveling up’ for you, if you so choose to accept it. Transcending this life is a continuous process of work and evolution and it is the meaning of ascending to ‘Heaven.’