Soul Purpose
All souls incarnate here on Earth with a soul purpose. Some souls may even have double missions. In every lifetime we are born into a set of conditions that are conducive for our soul growth and to learn the lessons we are here to learn.
Soul evolution is the reason why people are born and die everyday. Souls, like all energy, get recycled into new forms or bodies. Think of Earth like a training ground or school for souls to evolve. With each cycle, your karma passes with you — a .zip file of your soul’s experiences in previous lifetimes are imprinted in your energy — carrying with it all of the energies and lessons. This imprint is what makes the expression of your soul unique even though our energetic makeup is similar.
The primary purpose of your soul is to learn its lessons and evolve into a higher frequency or evolution of energy. In the physical plane of existence, that energy gets manifested in what we perceive as reality. Some people choose to create and emit lower frequencies of energy like fear and suffering, and some people choose to create and emit higher frequencies of energy like love and hope. These frequencies can manifest itself in different ways of living, and if channeled, you can use it to create in the world.
Most people will never know what their “soul purpose” is in advance as it can only unfold as you learn your lessons with every test. Whether you realize it or not the Universe is always testing you. Presenting you with challenges perfect for you, testing to see how you choose to respond or react. You will be re-tested again and again until you learn your lesson, and even again to re-confirm that you have integrated your lesson and are ready for the next one. Sometimes, I’ll even be tested in my dreams just to see how I will choose when I’m not thinking or am aware of choices.
Only in the material world do we believe that we must do and be productive. But it is what we all focus on, our “work purpose.” Part of higher purpose is to realize and honestly express who we really are. But most people don’t know who they are so it is challenging to understand what their “ purpose” is. Usually most people will likely gravitate towards something they’ve done in previous lives, which is also tied to their greatest challenges.
The place we return to is where we feel safe, and is what we know and have already mastered in this and previous lives. The challenge is to accept when it is time to move on and try something new. Safe is easy but does it make you feel stuck and stagnant?
If life is about soul evolution, work purpose will evolve as well. How can you take what you have learned and mastered, and apply it to something new? How can you evolve it?
Soul purpose in life is about 1. soul growth or evolving as a person, and 2. expressing who you uniquely are to create something positive in the world.
The act of creation is the greatest gift given to human beings and is what makes us special as a life form on Earth. Every soul is a unique expression that has the same ability to create.
To know your purpose is to understand the lessons you have mastered and what you have yet to learn but know you must. Take stock of all that you have learned, mastered, and incorporated within you. In other words, what comes naturally to you, what are you good at?
Then take stock of what challenges you — what do you have a hard time with? Where do you feel blocked or scared? But perhaps deep down you know you must overcome.
Then think about what lights you up, what sparks joy?
This combination of natural abilities, challenges, and joys is your unique ingredients, and when creatively mixed, will lead to realizing your soul purpose.
Listen to your soul’s whispers and urges. What is it calling you towards? Where do you sense a feeling of meaning and depth? What gives you a feeling of great possibility and a bit of fear and excitement?