Soul Purpose
All souls incarnate here on Earth with a soul purpose. Some souls may even have double missions. In every lifetime we are born into a set of conditions that are conducive for our soul growth and to learn the lessons we are here to learn.
Soul evolution is the reason why people are born and die everyday. Think of Earth like a training simulation for souls to evolve. Souls, like all energy, get recycled into new forms or bodies. With every new life cycle, your ‘karma’ passes with you — a .zip file of your soul’s previous incarnations are imprinted in your energy — carrying with it all of its energies, lessons, and unresolved challenges. This imprint is what makes the expression of you unique and specific, even though our energetic makeup is similar.
The primary purpose of your soul is to learn its unique lessons and to realize new skills and abilities necessary for the individual, as it hopefully progresses on a path of evolution and higher frequencies of energy, not de-evolution and stagnation. This requires co-creation, participation, consciousness…otherwise karma continues to play out in vicious cycles of reptition, untill the cycles are broken and lessons are learned.
Soul purpose is more about personal growth and evolution, than it is about what one does for work or how they make money. It’s about the unique lessons they need to learn to grown and expand as a soul, to realize its gifts and expressions, to manifest their truest desires, to fulfill their role and responsibility within the larger web of life, and to embody more fully their whole healthy and complete soul selves as a human being. Soul purpose is connected to every aspect of a being. It does not merely describe what they do, but rather, who they uniquely are.
We may sense whispers from beyond of how we desire to uniquely express ourselves and create in the world. We create because it reflects who we are — the values and beliefs that uniquely root us, and the dreams and desires we yearn to make tangible. We gain a sense of purpose from being, being our true, full selves because it is what feels natural. We can’t help but express ourselves and create things because it takes shape within us, as if life is born within and wants to come out into the world. This is purpose. It gives our lives shape, meaning, definition. What we value, what we love, what we aim to protect, what we desire…is the driving force of our sense of purpose. Purpose is something intangible that bleeds out into all that we do…from how we choose to see and treat ourselves, to how we engage with and interact with others, to how we choose to live and be in the world, to the roles and responsibilities we take on, to the everyday decisions we make, to the goals and aspirations we work towards. Purpose can be found in small things, and in everyday interactions. Purpose is reflective of a soul’s intention of who they choose to be, how they choose to live, and what they choose to contribute to the world.
We tend to perceive ‘purpose’ as this holy grail answer that will solve all of our problems. If only we discovered our ‘life’s purpose’, and then we can live out the perfect life. But ‘purpose’ or intention is actually unraveled in the process of discovery of true self. Sometimes it’s a coming to terms with who one really is. Reconciling their true nature. Understanding their real role and responsibilities. We have all of these ideas and external messages about what is ‘ideal’, what is desired, what is acceptable, what is something someone should strive for. CEO, Millionnaire Entrepreneur, Celebrity, Influencer, etc. Everyone wants to be someone that is not meant for them. There is no real value in hustling and striving for a path that is not meant for you. Listening to what your soul wants will point you in the direction of the path that is meant for you, because it will give you everything that you uniquely need and desire.
Listen to your soul’s whispers and urges. What is it calling you towards? Where do you sense a feeling of meaning and depth? What gives you a feeling of great possibility and a bit of fear and excitement? How do you wish to naturally express yourself?