Spiritual Awakening Journey: Pt. VIII - Programming
After a significant shedding and integration cycle, it transitioned into the next phase of work: reprogramming. It has been over half a year of an intense and accelerated spiritual awakening process in which I was gifted with the ability to ‘see’ my programming, laid out before me. It was like being an outside spectator looking in from a higher, alternative, detatched perch. As if I was outside of my self, doing a deep dive into the vast, complex Universe of my mind and soul. I no longer held much emotional attachment to anything after a long period of processing and shedding, and therefor, it enabled me to see things from a different perspective. My identity or self was on the table for dismantling. My ego had been temporarily powered down and rendered inactive. My body was in a state of exhaustion and repair. My soul had taken over control and was working in partnership with divine angels to help guide and oversee the process. A lot of the external energy layers had been released and discarded. Existing programming was surfaced, understood, and up for re-evaluation. The programming that no longer aligned and served a purpose was also discarded. Some programming was modified or ammended. And new programming was identified for implementation and integration.
Below are some example of the programming I had uncovered when it came to my operating system. Understanding why these personal beliefs and programs were put in place, or adopted, were key to understanding what and how to reprogram.
I must always be perfect and capable.
I must always be good, behave, and be responsible to others.
Other people’s needs take priority before my own.
I am selfish or greedy if I assert or prioritize myself.
I must remain quiet and obedient.
I must always be productive and achieve.
I must make money. Money is stability and safety.
I must always do. Action is progression.
I must be strong and stoic. Emotions are a waste of time and serve no purpose.
I must be independent and self-sufficient, as I am ultimately responsible for myself and can only rely on myself.
Love is quiet, hidden, lost. It will lead to disappointment.
Time is running out, efficiency is the solution.
Most people don’t even consider or understand their own beliefs, values, programming and operating systems. It is important to know because our programming determines everything: who we decide to be, how we choose to live our lives, what we value, what we believe, how and what we choose to devote our energy to, the relationships we form, the work we take on, what we create, and ultimately, the lives we manifest for ourselves.
Usually, programming templates are passed down from our parents, our families, schools, churches, communities, and any and all people and institutions that play a role in our early childhood and young adult lives. We are very much influenced by the unconscious beliefs, values, behaviors, messaging, language, preferences, etc. at this early age and we absorb it all like a sponge. Yes, we will have our own character tendencies and interests, but largely, we are shaped by the environment or container we grow up in, in some way.
In our culture, there is a larger mandate ensuring the domestication of children into functioning adults in society. We are shaped by our community values and beliefs, but also, by the larger macro cultural values and belief systems. For the prevailing culture or ‘way of doing things’ to be maintained, it requires everyone to be similarly socially programmed and complicit in following that program. Our society is entirely engineered to ensure that everyone behaves in the way we are supposed to. We pass down this programming to streamline the domestication of children and young adults. And the same reinforcing messages are embedded everywhere, through people, through media, through society, institutions, culture, art, news, tv, movies and music. In this world, we domesticate our children so they understand the societal rules of control, obedience, and accepted behavior from an early age. We believe that in this process of domestication, it will keep our children safe and they will grow up into successful, productive and responsible citizens of the world.
But consider if the programs set by society are actually healthy and beneficial. Do they allow people to thrive and evolve? Do they allow people to be who they are, in freedom and in peace? Do they really ensure health, success, and happiness?
The philosophy of capitalism rules our culture and society. And it extends to how we ‘be’ and function in the world. Every aspect of our lives has been carefully crafted to ensure the same messaging of control and consumption. Believing that doing and being productive will achieve us meaning and love in life. The ways in which it is so pervasive and deeply rooted in our collective unconscious programming is staggering.
People remain complicit out of fear of being alone, being different, not being accepted, not belonging, not being loved. It is the underlying fear behind peer pressure and herd mentality. Human nature, founded on tribalism and survival at a time it was entirely necessary, continues despite there being no real threat from animal predators, harsh environmental conditions, and obtainment of resources and sustenance. Our fear of being alone, a primitive fear born out of human survival, continues to be exploited for mass control. To be used to control what we use our energy towards, what we dedicate our lives to, and how much of that energy can be given away. We are unconsciously programmed to have the same desires, to believe and value the same things, to behave a certain way, think a certain way, look a certain way, express ourselves a certain way. We are given prescribed paths to follow. To reject or stray from the path is to be seen as an outsider. So instead, people behave, follow their given programming, and walk the prescribed path everyday doing things they hate, feeling like they have no other choice.
People can spend their whole lives operating off the same programming, perhaps only to realize that it didn’t serve them in the end. That the results were not really what they desired. And their lives somehow feel lacking in meaning, purpose, or joy. How many regrets can they count in their mind? Would they go back and do something different? Be a bit bolder? Be more brave? Make the changes they always wanted to. Take the risk and just go for it?
What we must remember is that our programming can be changed and altered at any time. We have the choice and the ability to do this for ourselves, and it requires no permission from anyone or anything else. Listening to and acting upon those quiet and persistent thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable and maybe afraid is the first step. Taking the time to understand the reasons behind our programming is a far more sustainable way of making different choices, instead of forcing ourselves to change quickly or follow advice from someone else or some expert on the internet.
Ask yourself, how many of your decisions do you truly make for yourself? Are you doing things because you want to be accepted and loved, or are you doing things because you love and accept yourself? Know that ultimately you have the power and the right to set your own programming. You can create your own values, beliefs and rules to live by. Rules that don’t contain or restrict, instead set new rules that set you free.