Health, Money, Power: Reclaim Your Wellbeing

Let’s talk about human health and well-being. Why is it so important? And how does it connect to money, politics and the system we live in? We’re going to move from the esoteric to capitalism in this post, and how it all connects.

Let’s start with where it all begins.

Emotions live in the etheric body, not in the physical body. The etheric body is sort of like an energy force field around us. When we repress emotions, we push them down from our surrounding etheric body into our physical body. This is the process of somatization. And it is quite a common survival mechanism for humans in order to do hard things in spite of our emotions. This is how we have learned to survive while ‘managing’ our highly advanced nervous system.

An example is the feeling of nervousness before speaking in front of a crowd. When you feel nervous, that energy originates in your etheric body and your physical body begins to perceive those energetic vibrations around you. Once you do, the mind recognizes those vibrations as possible impediments and threats to your ability to perform. When you repress the feelings of nervousness, the energetic vibrations get pushed down into your body hitting your stomach (pit or butterflies), and moving up to your heart (rapid beating), throat (hoarseness or fluctuating vocal chords), and up to your head (sweating, scattered thoughts). It directly affects the stomach or solar plexus chakra because nervousness is an emotion triggered out of worry and anxiety of not being good enough; a feeling directly linked to confidence and self-worth. Your solar plexus represents personal power. You get nervous because you worry about how you’re being perceived and what other people think of you.

When people say they feel ‘butterflies’, that is the energetic vibrations of the emotions of nervousness being pushed into your stomach. We do this so that people don’t perceive us as being nervous. We have removed it from our aura or etheric body (emotional perceptions), and now it is inside of us (hidden). However now that it is in our physical body, it will stay there unless we consciously push it back out, feel it and release it — which most people have no idea this exists inside nor understand how to do. Now think about all the times you have done this over the course of a lifetime. Every time we repress an emotion it moves into our physical body and is stored there. Compounded, this is when we begin to experience physical pain, ailments and diseases. Going back to butterflies in the stomach…think of it like more and more butterflies building up inside your stomach eating away at your stomach lining, until one day you begin to experience stomach problems like ulcers, gastritis, IBS, or crohn’s. The trapped and stored emotions are building inside and manifesting itself physically as chronic inflammatory disease.

So then, what next? You go to a doctor, they diagnose you as having a chronic inflammatory condition like gastritis (which I had) and then they put you on a lifetime course of meds to ‘manage’ the inflammation. However chronic diseases compound and can lead to other health conditions because now it is spreading through your body to the rest of your system. The medicine that’s meant for one condition is now creating imbalances in the body and affecting other systems of the body, creating more health conditions in which you will now need more meds. The body becomes so out of whack that it cannot function properly and it begins to break down. So now you are in a vicious cycle of reliance on meds with no solution for curing the condition(s). This is called ‘disease burden’. Added layer(s) of stress to your life on top of the mountain of emotional stress you are already dealing with. And we wonder why cancers form. What a life we get to live in our capitalistic society.

Western practices of medicine don’t recognize the origins of chronic inflammatory diseases and cancers. It’s because they originate with repressed emotions, which our society purposefully disregards. Everything that eastern medicine and wise ancient societies knew about human health and medicine was systematically destroyed, discredited and replaced with a christian and western approach that became the new norm and somehow labeled as ‘modern.’ The technology and advances in science are modern, but the philosophy behind the practices are barbaric. And it has remained this way out of the promotion of capitalism: to keep people sick so we can continue selling people more drugs. And when people feel unwell they have less power, and they are more susceptible to buying stuff that they believe will fix their problems as to why they feel so sh*tty. They believe this because companies spend hundreds of billions of dollars on advertising each year targeting people’s emotions and general states of despair or insecurity.

In the U.S. alone this year (2023), $326 billion dollars will be spent on advertising. With digital ad spend averaging around $1000+ per American. The U.S. represents over half of the world’s ad spend ($326 billion / $627 billion). And this is considered a nominal spend compared to the actual revenues brought in by corporations; generally spending between 2-5% of total revenue on their total marketing spend (not just advertising). It takes so little to reinforce this simple and constant message, “you’re suffering, we have a fix for that, buy our stuff.” However if people felt well, they wouldn’t need a fix, and they wouldn’t buy any stuff.

The U.S. market represents half of the world’s pharmaceutical sales at over $605 billion+ out of 1.2 trillion+ dollars. That means that Americans buy half of the world’s drugs. Thanks to American society and politics, hospitals, drugs and cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and health and medical insurance clocks in as the top performing industries in the country by revenue. Our country is so sick that we get the medal for being the country with the highest rate of disease burden amongst countries with higher than average GDPs. Half of Americans have an identified chronic disease, with the average disease rate set to continue increasing at over 20% over the next 15+ years, with some diseases increasing at a much higher rate than others.

We have all the resources in the world but we prefer to keep our people unwell so that we can maintain our place as the highest GDP in the world. Americans think they live in a free country, but the U.S. is just like any other country that demands the sacrifice and lives of its people in the name of greed. Because no matter how much money our country amasses, we will never know health and real happiness. Our country has the second highest rates of depression in the world behind the Ukraine. The system we live in deny people of its rights of ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’, if we let it.

The thing about power is that real power is already inside all of us. Every person holds the same potential to access energy and cultivate personal power if we apply ourselves to cultivate it. Otherwise you will always look for power outside of yourself.

Cultivating your energy and personal power is tied to your health. It begins with getting clean and healthy—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Good emotional and spiritual health is power.


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