Pledge Allegiance to Your Highest Self

Growing up in suburban Connecticut, we were required to pledge allegiance to the American flag every single morning. Since the age of 5, little children stood with their hands over their hearts, spoke powerful words from their little mouths, took an oath, and made promises they did not yet understand. We pledged our total allegiance to the United States of America, to one nation, under God. We swore our loyalty daily, training to be good soldiers for the country.

School is considered a benefit for its people, and in return, we are educated the ‘correct’ and approved curriculum by government. Everything we learn, the education, the socialization, is all in service to our country. By pledging allegiance daily, we were reminded of our duty, not to ourselves, but to a concept of a nation and the role we were to play within it. We would go on to pay for an expensive University degree, build a successful (aka high paying) career, get married, have children, buy houses, and spend our hard earned dollars on material things to make us happy. For us, the goal of education was to become a high performing and highly productive member of society. Not to expand our minds, realize our true potential, nor live healthy and fulfilling lives. We were learning to participate in the capitalistic engine of our society.

We carry this dynamic into our adulthood. We enter the workforce, and we pledge allegiance to a company. We give at least 70% of our time, energy, and selves to work for something or someone else’s goals. We are rewarded for working hard and giving ourselves to a company. We rely on our jobs for money and resources to live. But we also derive our sense of self worth, value and meaning from our jobs. We gain our social standing from the workplace. Many fill their desire for purpose with their jobs and get disappointed when they don’t feel it is fulfilling.

We also carry this dynamic into our relationships. We pledge allegiance to a partner, a spouse, our families. We give ourselves out of a responsibility to a role. Women are especially conditioned and expected to give themselves to others and prioritize others’ needs before their own. We grow resentful wondering why no one else is meeting our needs when all we do is give.

We are rarely taught at a young age to prioritize and care for ourselves first. Nor are we taught how to do so through healthy, adult examples. Prioritizing yourself is branded as ‘selfish’ in society. But we cannot give to others if we cannot give to ourselves, or are operating from an empty well and state of depletion. Giving to others when your energy and well-being is healthy and full is the safest way of sharing. Sharing energy from a state of depletion and un-wellness actually does more harm than good.

We cannot continue to pledge allegiance to other people, to other institutions, to anything external, before we can first learn to pledge to ourselves. It is foundational for every person to cultivate a stable, secure and healthy base within. Devoting our energy to care, nourish and cultivate ourselves in sustainable and healthy ways should be everyone’s first priority. And from there, we build and radiate outwards.

We cannot wait for the day for someone or something to bestow upon us the power or the permission to take responsibility and prioritize our selves. We empower ourselves because we already have the energy and power inside. When we heal, we understand that we are not broken, we just needed to care, nourish and replenish. When we are healed, we see the power inside that comes forth. And when we harness that power and cultivate it, we can do great and noble things that fulfills our souls’ highest dreams that not only allows us to thrive but also elevates each other.

What we can do instead is to begin our days with a pledge to our highest selves. With our hands over our hearts, speaking powerful words from our mouths, making an oath to our highest selves. What kind of pledge will you make?

I pledge allegiance to my highest self.

To prioritize my health and well-being.

To show myself love, kindness and patience.

To embrace change and the unknown so that I may learn and grow.

To be present to the beauty and magic of the world.

To open to love and joy without expectation.

To dance to the beat of my own song.

To be bold and courageous.

To stay weird and honest.

To weave my own dreams.

To harness my own power and create my desired reality.

To live a life of meaning and purpose.

To help others who want help, and endeavor to make the world a better place.

To express my unique truths and do what I want.

To accept nothing less than what I f*cking deserve.


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I Close My Eyes