New Beginnings Require Letting Go of the Ending

In life we are always being given second chances. Actually more like thousands of chances that cycle through until we get it right. We are constantly being given grace. Grace to make ‘mistakes’, grace to make changes, grace to adapt, grace to grow, and grace to evolve. We will never have it all figured out because we are in a constant state of learning. Always. It is why we are all here—to learn and to evolve. And only you can figure out what your curriculum is.

Oftentimes we are presented with chances and opportunities to accept and respond to life’s situations in different ways. Do we react in the same way or can we learn our lessons and choose differently? Unconsciously it is easier to run off of existing programming and behaviors. What we don’t realize is that these opportunities are really gifts being presented to us by the universe. If we can learn the lessons we need to learn through these experiences, we can move forward. Releasing ourselves from the same pattern or cycle. They are gifts because they are opportunities for change. And change is what allows us to self-actualize and follow the call of our soul.

New beginnings signify a major shift in a person’s life. It is the beginning of a new cycle. Sometimes it is accompanied by major changes or endings which can literally force us to start anew. And sometimes it can be more subtle, like a change of perspective or the universe giving you space to exercise your free will and make the call yourself. New beginnings can feel like the cycle has reset and we are being asked to begin the next leg of the journey, or even repeat one with a new perspective.

Its asks us to reconcile the past, let go, and clear space for what’s next. This is the transition period. The space between the ending and the beginning.

“You cannot start your new beginning if you are still holding on to the ending.”

Letting go of the ending is hard because it requires us to let go of what we know, or what we could have had. But no matter what, we will have to let go of what once was, what could have been, or what should have been. Beginnings and endings require us to look at ourselves honestly and learn our lessons. As you prepare for the next phase of the unknown, the biggest question always is, ‘what do you want next?’

Instead of dread or fear or anxiety, we can welcome a new beginning with open arms and open hearts. Knowing that we are wiser than before, stronger than before, and more courageous than before.

We will never have the full path laid out in front of us nor a master plan. New beginnings asks us to take one step at a time. Trusting with your intuition. Allowing it to guide your every step in the moment. It is all we can do. It allows us to enjoy the present, and savor the process. For before you know it, your new beginning will be an ending. And what you once thought was impossible is now possible. And then, it is time to do the next impossible thing.


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