Meditation & Energy Teaching

Energy Wellness

educates on spiritual energy (life-force, god, prana, mana, qi) and how to maintain and care for it. Proper education on how to connect with it, understand it, embody it, clean, maintain and care for it, is the foundation to a healthy and purposeful life and world.

Energy Wellness

Energy wellness is the connection, maintenance and care for the quality of your energy frequency. Energy is the ultimate currency. It is health, it is wealth, it is personal power.

Energy Meditation

is a foundational practice for connecting with energy and navigating your life’s journey. It is the art of getting to know your true self and it will transform how you relate with the world.

I teach this intuitive practice as a means to connect with energy and your true self. This process of connecting with truths supports all aspects of your life, including: health and well-being, relationships and love, purpose and goals, career and business.

A Higher Journey

What We Can Learn in a Meditation Journey

A higher journey is the path one chooses to walk when they decide to commit to their soul’s evolution. They allow themselves to live a natural life, based on the natural laws and cycles that govern the Universe. They recognize they are not separate from it, but very much a part of it, and they allow the natural intelligence within to unfold and guide themselves to the truest life they’re meant to live.



Develop a foundational, intuitive meditation practice to connect with your highest self and the Universal energy within and all around. Learning to connect with energy will unlock your inner self and soul for discovery and excavation.


Once you have unlocked access to your inner world, the excavation process involves diving deep, uncovering layers, and accessing what is buried and hidden inside of you. This can include unlocking buried fears, unhealed wounds, traumas, past lives, karmic memories and lessons, ancestral lineages, inner wisdom, hidden gifts and talents, hidden desires and wishes, soul purpose and mission.


In the process of excavation you will begin the work of identifying, feeling, processing, healing and releasing. This phase includes personalized modalities to allow for emotional releases and breakthroughs, and processing of fears, wounds, patterns, and beliefs that keep a person stuck in a loop.


The reprogramming process is about re-evaluating your existing programming or “code” that you have been operating off of your entire life. Identifying fears, patterns, behaviors, thought processes and beliefs that no longer help you or keep you stuck, blocked or limited. Which new programs can you put in place that are in service to the sustainable well-being of your higher self and your highest mission?


As you process and release old energy, you will begin to gain clarity and see your higher self more clearly. It is in this space where you can tune in to your higher soul voice and wisdom. The visioning phase is about understanding and crystallizing what your soul needs to be in balance and to thrive. It can also begin the visioning process of accessing your higher wishes, desires, needs, dreams, mission and purpose in life.


Once you have identified your higher mission and purpose, you can begin identifying your intentions and goals. Manifestation is the process of unlocking and harnessing the power and potential within you. Learning to exercise new muscles, new habits, new beliefs and new behaviors that are in service to your highest self and your higher goals. Continuing to master your self, your connection to energy, and the purity of self and intent. Taking inspired action towards self-actualization and goal fulfillment.


Group discussions on energy health and wellness, energy meditation, self-mastery and personal development.

Education / Speaking Series / Conferences


Developing group programs, workshops, classes and retreats on energy wellness: how to connect with it, how to clean/maintain/care for it, how to undergo a higher path founded on energy well-being.

Programs / Workshops / Retreats


Writing and creation of published content, articles, series on energy health and wellness, energy meditation, self-mastery and personal development.

Published Content / Articles / Series



Interested in learning more about energy wellness and what it means? Reach out if interested in developing educational programs or experiences.

Aloha mai ke akua ipo

Aloha mai ke akua ipo

“Love yourself as you love god.”
The responsibility of your actions come from within and your unique personal connection to spirit.

Meditation & Energy Connection Workshops

2024 | Oahu, Hawaii

Meditation & Energy Connection Workshops

2023 | Tulum, Mexico

“Revolutionary change begins with mastering the mind.
Mastering the mind begins with freeing the soul.”