What We Learn on a Higher Journey
A higher journey is the path one walks when they decide to commit 100% to their soul’s evolution. They allow themselves to live a natural life, based on the natural laws that govern the Universe. They recognize they are not separate from it, but very much a part of it. And they allow the natural intelligence within to unfold and guide themselves to the highest life they’re meant to live.
We walk the journey in cycles, with every cycle bringing us closer to realizing and manifesting our soul truths into the physical world. Self-actualization is the continuous manifestation of the higher self or the soul’s highest energetic blueprint into the physical world. It is the realization of a soul’s highest truths, purpose and dreams. In time, the individual will merge with consciousness and wisdom of their eternal soul and learn to master the untamed ego, mind and body for higher purposes. They will release lower frequency programming (values, beliefs, behaviors), heal, and free themselves from the chains of their karmic cycle and fears. The soul’s highest mission and purpose will naturally unfold and will be revealed to the individual as they progress in their journey. In this unfolding, the individual will eventually discover what they’re here to do, which will also be the thing that will bring them joy and meaning in life, and will work towards manifesting that purpose in the world.
On a higher journey program, you will learn how to heal and reconnect with your higher self or soul voice. This involves:
Uncovering, identifying and releasing false layers of the ego created self.
Revealing unconscious patterns and programming conceived from past life experiences and childhood experiences.
Working towards processing and healing from those experiences to release fears and self-limiting behaviors that keep one stuck in a karmic loop.
Cultivating practices to forge a connection and line of communication with the higher self or soul voice.
Exercising your intuition and learning to trust the guidance it provides you as you navigate and focus your goals and actions in life.
Experimenting and opening yourself to new perspectives, experiences and opportunities for learning and exercising new behaviors and abilities.
There is no standard order or set time-frame for each phase. The ordering and amount of time in each phase is entirely unique to every person. It is important to remain patient and honest with where you are, making sure not to force or rush any phase in an attempt to hurry along the process. The Universe takes care of the pacing; it will always present you with the appropriate requirements, opportunities and challenges for the moment. It’s your job to accept them as they come, learn from them, and be kind and patient with your personal growth.
This program is about essentially uncovering, understanding and evaluating how you operate the self in the world, in all aspects regarding:
Personal Worth
Personal Values
Personal Beliefs
Personal Behaviors and Patterns
Personal Needs
Personal Care/Self-Care and Replenishment
Personal Love/Self-Love, Kindness & Patience
Personal Space and Environment
Personal Boundaries
Personal Fears
Personal Limitations
Personal Shadow Sides
Personal Illusions
Personal Desires
Quality of Mind, Thoughts, and Mental Health
Quality of Emotional Health, Attunement and Regulation
Quality of Energy, Energy Field, and Energetic Health
Quality of Body and Physical Health
Quality of Fuel and Nourishment
Quality of Environmental Health
Quality of Presence and Connection
How You Connect with Your Self
How You See & Accept Your Self
How You Show Up
How You Replenish and Nourish
How You Love
How You Connect with Joy
How You Connect with Purpose and Meaning
How You Connect with Mission and Live with Intention
How You Pursue Your Goals
How You Manage and Focus Energy
Meditation is a foundational tool used to support this work, but may also be supplemented with other modalities and tools appropriate for your phases of inner work. The process of grounding and connecting is the most important part. We spend time learning how to ground and connect before we begin to excavate. If you are already capable of grounding and connecting, then we move forward to the excavation and reprogramming process. The first session of the program is spent evaluating where you are in your process and what you need. Once a plan and goals are put in place, we begin the work.